Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi experiments on Vice-Captain Marechiyo Omeada's zanpakuto Gegetsuburi, and finds out that the zanpakuto only return to their owners' control if they are defeated by their owners.

Hinamori and Rangiku send their zanpakuto to the 4th squad barracks but an unknown assailant attacks the cart guards carrying Tobiume and Haineko.

Ichigo bumps into Hinamori and Rangiku again, and then reaches Muramasa, who tried to fight 3 of them but was having a difficult time to use his abilities in his current body.
Senbonzakura aids Muramasa and fights Ichigo. Ichigo gains the upper hand before Byakuya arrives.


Byakuya reveals that he has joined Muramasa as part of following his inner desire to protect his pride, and then dissapears with Senbonzakura and Muramasa.

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