Gin Ichimaru is one of the Captains from Soul Society who betrayed the 13 Protection Squad and left for Hueco Mundo. Captain Ichimaru or the voice actor Koji Yusa sings in this album for the Bleach Beat Collection series.
The first song is titled "Sekai wa Sude ni Azamuki no Ue Ni". The last Bleach Beat Collection post on Captain Aizen, i really enjoyed one of his song. But this song sang by Captain Ichimaru/ Koji Yusa is a little disturbing for me...the song is like in a "trans, supernatural, scary" feeling. Maybe the song is to portray the characteristics of Gin. Definetely not a song that i would listen to before i go to sleep...if you have a scary boss, maybe this song describe best those myterious scary kind of people. And this song last for more than 6 minutes!

The second song in the album is called Fuyu no Hanabi (feat. Vice-Captain Rangiku Matsumoto/ or the voice actor Kaya Matsutani). Gin and Rangiku sings in this second track. This song is definitely better than the 1st track, but it's very clear that Gin/Koji can't control his tone and his voice sounds really shaky in this song. Rangiku/Kaya sounds OK in the's an uptempo song...maybe they play this in a bar or a disco?
This third song is titled "Hyouri". The music is really nice in this song, an accoustic guitar in the beginning. Gin sings solo in this song...he whistles in the song, and sings again, I don't like listening to Gin/Koji. But i really like this song, it's quite relaxing listening to it, listening on a Friday night really suits the mood after a tiring week! But i think Gin sang something about Urahara at the end of the song...
The fourth track is an instrumental of "Sekai wa Sude ni Azamuki no Ue Ni". Doesn't sound nice in the beginning because there's only a little music...only the middle starts to sound a little "noisier".

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